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"Anything in life worth having is worth working for."

- Andrew Carnegie                   


Hi there! Thanks for checking me out. My name is Victoria Gregory and my goal is to help you to become the healthiest, happiest, strongest, most confident, and best looking you that you have ever been.

Want to know more about me?

I hold a Masters Degree from the University of Chicago, and I am a certified Integrative Nutrition and Holistic Lifestyle Practitioner, Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Behavioral Change Specialist, and Mindset Coach. In addition to my offices in New York’s West Village and Edgewater, New Jersey, I also work with English speaking clients everywhere by phone.

In my personal life, I’m a wife and mom and love everything related to fitness, nutrition, beauty, and fashion. I feel most alive and happy when exploring new cultures, hiking majestic mountains, listening to the sounds of the ocean, snuggling with my little girl, or helping people transform into better versions of themselves. My other passion is experimenting in the kitchen (with the best and healthiest ingredients, of course) and sharing great food and wine with people I love. I post many of my recipes on my Blog, Instagram account, and Facebook page, so make sure to follow me or SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter.

Most people believe that I am far younger than my years based on my appearance, energy levels, and attitude. I am certain that this has everything to do with the food I eat (and don’t eat), my supplement regimen, weekly resistance training, non-toxic beauty regimen, and an invariably grateful and optimistic outlook on life.  

In my youth, my health and body were far from ideal, but I was able to transform my physique, despite genetic obstacles and metabolic issues that were the result of years of yo-yo dieting and eating disorders, and reverse declining health by adopting a consistently healthy lifestyle that I have maintained for many years.  [Read more about my personal story of struggle and success]  Having personally overcome many physiological and psychological obstacles make it easier for me to understand, work with, and help people who are facing similar challenges.  

I absolutely love hearing from you, so if you have any questions or feedback, or even if you just want to say “hi,” leave a comment on any of my pages or drop me a line. I answer EVERY message within 24-48 hours.


Want to learn more about me?  



My mission in life is to make the world a healthier place one person at a time. Whether you are a friend, a client, or someone I’ve never met, I want to help you understand the source of your physical and/or emotional struggles and guide you on a path to healing and good health.

You can take advantage of this in one of four ways:

1) Follow me on social media, where I will help you decipher the many confusing and oftentimes contradicting topics related to health and wellness

2) Sign up for my newsletter:

  • 360 Degrees of Wellness New You - expert advice on how to detox your life, master healthy cooking, take the guesswork out of choosing supplements, and more (like FREE GIFTS!). AAAND, to thank you for signing up, I’ll send you a $10 gift certificate for safer products.

3) Read my Blog

4) Work with me

My goal with my one-on-one coaching clients is to liberate you from the oppression of poor health and pain, the burden of extra weight, and the tyranny of insecurity and self-doubt by teaching you how to:

  1. Naturally rebalance your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods, supplements, and movement

  2. Reduce your toxin load by understanding which products in your home are the most harmful to your health and switching to safer

  3. Retrain your mind to accept that

  • Food is

    • revitalizing not energy-zapping

    • healing not toxic, and

    • a source of nourishment not shame

  • Gratitude and self-acceptance are the foundations of inner and outer beauty, love for others, and sincere happiness.

My approach is significantly different from other professionals whose expertise and work centers around either nutrition, fitness, OR the psyche. I don’t treat these key areas as separate, but instead focus on their synergies as a whole, because it is impossible to create lasting lifestyle changes that impact your health and appearance without addressing what you eat, how you move, and whatever psychological issues you may have that keep you stuck in your old habits and prevent you from achieving your wellness goals.  It is through this process and a variety of customized dietary guidelines, exercise programs, and healing diet regimens that I have been able to help hundreds of clients overcome a lifetime of bad habits, lose weight, control food cravings, dramatically improve fitness levels, increase energy, and even overcome the symptoms of many debilitating autoimmune disorders.  [See some of my success stories]. 

So whether your goals are to drastically improve your health or just feel a little younger and more sprightly, completely transform your body or just tweak a few problem areas, and/or entirely change your lifestyle or just learn to control a few vices and lead a healthier, happier and more energetic life, my guidance will lead you along the most efficient path to your ultimate goal.

 "Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

- Helen Keller

Unfortunately, my journey has not always been a path leading to health, fitness, and happiness.  During my many years working eighty hour weeks as a management consultant to some of the world’s largest companies, I led a very unhealthy existence. My eating patterns ranged between uncontrollable binging and disciplined starving.  I was over-stressed, under-rested, poorly nourished, and exercised almost never.  My health suffered and I loathed the unhappy, chubby girl who was constantly sneering back at me in the mirror. 

... there is cancer, heart-disease and obesity in my family, as well as the cursed “thick-thigh” gene that I’ve been battling my entire life.

Today it never ceases to amuse me when people compliment me on my hard-earned physique , but invariably tell me how “lucky” I am because I have such “good genes.”  I always smile and tell them the truth, that my genes are far from good, and that there is cancer, heart-disease and obesity in my family, as well as the cursed “thick-thigh” gene that I’ve been battling my entire life.  The other big reveal? I was never exceptionally athletic until after I turned 40.  

You see, contrary to what most people think when they meet me today, “thin” never came naturally or easily to me.  My weight was the primary source of heartache for most of my life.  Over time, my never ending yo-yo dieting and intermittent periods of starvation destroyed my metabolism, while the intense stress from my executive-level, 14 hour-per-day, non-stop job consumed my health, ravaged my figure, and crushed my state of mind.  Food became my only source of emotional fulfillment, because time did not allow for anything or anyone else.  It was both, my only source of pleasure, and simultaneously, my biggest cause of pain.  I drank too much, secretly binged on terribly unhealthy food, and smoked a pack and a half a day. I actually believed that blackening my lungs would somehow help in regulating my appetite and lead to losing weight. It didn’t. 

The situation only worsened and the cycle of secret eating and shame intensified. My insatiable and uncontrollable (or so I thought) emotional binges packed on the pounds… and the bigger I got, the more shame I felt… the more I became ashamed of my body, the less I wanted to socialize with friends or even leave my apartment.  However, staying home alone led to additional gorging benders, so this vicious cycle continued... until I discovered purging, bringing a host of other problems upon myself, as well as even more shame and reclusive behavior.

My eating disorders and fervent self-loathing persisted throughout my 20s. I tried every fad diet and sporadically beat myself up in the gym, but, in the end, suffered terribly when the weight inevitably crept back on. I lost, I gained, and lost again only to return to my fat pants at the end of my diet-du-jour.  What I didn't understand was that my biggest issues were lack of planning and consistency.  My crazy, severely calorie-restrictive diets were temporary, as were my workouts, which always picked up for the summer months, only to fade away toward the end of August.  I promised myself every day that I would change my life… tomorrow.  Well, that tomorrow took a long time to come, and today, my biggest regret (and I don’t have many) is that I didn’t know then what I know now.

My journey to health and wellness began with the trifecta of my founding a health food company, my mother being diagnosed with colon cancer, and the birth of my daughter.  As a general rule, when I become interested in something, the perpetual analyst in me becomes a relentless researcher.  So I've read (and still read) countless scientific papers, articles and blogs on nutrition and fitness, and became increasingly fascinated by the human body, its functions, and

its optimal fuel.  I became far more conscious of what my family and I were eating, started reading ingredient labels, and began buying mostly organic.  I even started cooking to the surprise of everyone I knew, because I'd never been the type to spend much time in the kitchen, and much less actually enjoy it.

My transformation occur over night (neither did my weight gain or health issues). Because it was a slow and gradual process, it gave me the opportunity to formulate healthy habits one by one, instead of shocking my system with many unsustainable lifestyle changes all at once.

My transformation certainly didn't occur over night (of course, neither did my weight gain or health issues).  Because it was a slow and gradual process, it gave me the opportunity to formulate healthy habits one by one, instead of shocking my system with many unsustainable lifestyle changes all at once.  Today I have a new found passion for life.  I am happy, self-assured, and resolutely positive 99% of the time.  I am at the gym religiously 4-5 days each week (which is surprising given how much I used to loathe working out) and you’d be hard-pressed to find anything boxed or processed in my home.  I drink whole milk, cook with grass-fed butter, and stay away from anything that says “non-fat" or "sugar-free."  I also drink alcohol, enjoy eating out with my friends, and sometimes revel in foods that are not part of my standard meal plan… and yet, I feel healthier than I ever have before, my weight is stable, and for the first time in my life I am proud of the body I have earned

The difference is that I have learned balance, and although wine and ice cream are still in my life, they are now the exception rather than the rule (whereas it was the opposite in the past).  So if you're wondering what's the secret? There is none. It's simply about learning which foods to eat and how to achieve balance, and then like any other skill, practicing until you get really good. And that's exactly where I come in. 

You see, the best parts of this journey are knowing that:

1.  My daughter will not inherit the food issues with which I've struggled all my life.  I am leading by example and giving her one of the biggest gifts by teaching her the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, showing her the importance of reading ingredient labels and understanding what's in your food, as well as ensuring that a love of sports and fitness is ingrained in her.

2.  It led me to a brand new career, a career of which I am proud and about which I am passionate for the first time in my life, because I get to help other people who are experiencing the same struggles as I once did, and guide them on their own path to health, weight loss, self-acceptance, and happiness.  

I feel incredibly blessed and grateful to be able to assist in the transformation of and have such a positive impact on so many wonderful people’s lives.  I truly hope that you will allow me to help you, too.


Ready to look and feel better than you ever imagined possible?  

Click here to see more success stories.