Please bookmark this page as this is where you will find all the Beautycounter supplies you need. I have searched for the best prices, so you don't have to. Save this address so that you can easily come back whenever you need to reorder.
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Office Supplies
Report Covers
Buy 1 of these 3-packs to house training manual and to display any new or existing product lines
1.5" Binders
Buy 2 of these, one to house the product training manual and the other for your customer order sheets,
3 Hole Punch
Buy 1.
Standard Medium Weight Sheet Protectors
These will protect your pages so that you don't have to print them out again.
Sampling Supplies
3G/3ML Plastic Container Jars
To give out samples of skincare (e.g., day cream, night cream, eye cream, etc). You want the smaller jars so that they don’t look so empty and you don’t have to give out too much of you own product.
5G/5ML Plastic Container Jars
TTo give out samples of body products (e.g., lotion, shampoo, conditioner, etc). These are slightly bigger and better for the body products.
Self-Adhesive Labels For Sample Jars
To label your samples. Otherwise your client won’t have any idea what you put in the little jar.
Cosmetic Sampling Spatulas
So that clients don’t stick their fingers and contaminate your products
Lipstick, Gloss, Lip Balm Wands
To sample lip products
Eyeshadow Tester Sponges
When you get your eyeshadow samples, these are a must, bc you don’t want people touching them with their fingers or leaving marks with Qtips.
Sample Drawstring Baggies
I use these to put all the samples in and also throw in a business card and beauty regimen card.
Red Tissue
When I have a social and have everything shipped to a certain address, I separate the orders by putting them in the Beautycounter shopping bags and then use this tissue to wrap the products and a little on top (like they do at Sephora)
Blue Tissue