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… to 360° Degrees of Wellness and taking an interest in your health.

Being healthy isn’t just about worrying what you put IN your body. What you put ON your body (or around your environment) also has a huge impact on your well being. Therefore, it is critical that you carefully select every product in your home—from your shampoo to your laundry detergent—to be free of harmful chemicals that can wreck your health over time.

I realize that most people can’t afford to ditch and switch everything at once, but I’d like to help you kick-start the “clean-swap” process. Every time you exchange even one of your products for a toxin-free alternative, you reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals and thereby, your risk of getting sick later on.

So I’d like to offer you a $15 Gift Certificate* for any product purchase at Beautycounter, where you can find scores of safer yet still high performing and luxurious personal care and skincare products for men, women, and children (even babies!). [Read more about why I choose Beautycounter.]


1) Go to the Beautycounter Website by clicking on my personal link here: SHOP BEAUTYCOUNTER

2) Select all the products you’d like to buy and put them in your cart

3) Check out, choosing Victoria Gregory (me!) as your consultant

4) E-mail me at and send me:

  • A screenshot of your order number, and

  • Your VENMO ID

5) Wait. I’ll personally Venmo you $15 within 24 hours… and if you e-mail me BEFORE you order, I can also show you how to get FREE SHIPPING, a FREE GIFT, and even more discounts on your order!

*Please note that this offer is valid only:

  • for customers who have never shopped with me as their consultant

  • on product orders over $50 or more (not including shipping, taxes, or Band of Beauty membership fees)


A few years ago, it occurred to me that even though I had been careful about what I put in my mouth, I had absolutely no idea as to what was in the magic lotions and anti-aging potions I was putting on my skin, the body's largest organ which absorbs just about everything.  

After nearly six months of research (once an analyst, always an analyst), as well as a lot of trial and error, I learned that:

  • There are countless products on the market that can make your skin look good, but most contain dangerous and harmful ingredients that are gradually destroying your health

  • Words like “natural” and even “organic” don’t mean much when it comes to personal care products (psst: arsenic is both natural and organic)

  • Companies can make any kinds of false claims, because there is virtually no government oversight in the personal care and beauty industries

  • Although some "all natural" and organic products may be safer, they simply don't perform

So given my family history of cancer, autoimmune disorders and Alzheimer's, I decided it imperative to stop slathering myself with the multisyllabic, disease-causing, mystery chemicals that appeared on the ingredient labels of some of my favorite products… but not until I found products that could perform at least as well as the products I loved, because ego. 🙈 

And it was in this limbo that I remained until I discovered Beautycounter, a company . 

To see how your products and the ingredients inside them measure up, visit EWG’s SkinDeep. You’ll find product and ingredient safety ratings, health information about cosmetics ingredients and smart shopping tips you can trust. Look for EWG Verified brands, like Beautycounter, which boast good manufacturing practices, full transparency of all ingredients used, and consciously avoid EWG’s ingredients of concern.

What makes Beautycounter different is it's ability to strike the perfect balance between high-end skincare and cosmetics which are safe and yet still perform as well as (and in many cases, better than) the products you currently have on your shelves. Beautycounter products are luxurious, beautifully packaged, smell amazing (without any synthetic fragrance), and make me look and feel beautiful. Even more importantly, Beautycounter is leading the movement to change the way lawmakers regulate harmful chemicals that make up our everyday products, because today, there is barely any oversight at all.

In fact, here are some deeply disturbing facts about the regulation of the personal care and beauty industry in the U.S.:

While Beautycounter's products aren't touted as “organic” or “all-natural” (although many of their ingredients are, given the lack of government oversight, these terms don't mean very much anyway), they employ a rigorous Ingredient Selection Process that ensures some of the safest, cleanest, and most high-performing products available.  And what I love is that Beautycounter gets an A+ for transparency. They aren’t shy about telling you exactly which ingredients you’ll find in their products (vs. hiding behind "proprietary formulas" to hide toxic chemicals). All ingredients are openly listed on every package, and even explained in detail (e.g., what they are and how they're derived) on the Ingredients page of their website. 

It is because of Beautycounter's commitment to using safe ingredients and practices (many of their products are EWG Verified), the countless celebrity endorsements (and you know they can afford to buy any brand they want), and the fact that I absolutely love the products that I feel confident using them on myself and my family.  What’s really reassuring is that Beautycounter's Never List™ is made up of more than 1,500 questionable or harmful chemicals that will never used as ingredients in their products. This includes the over 1,400 chemicals banned or restricted in personal care products by the European Union (the US bans only 30!), plus additional chemicals screened by Beautycounter and found to be of concern.

My family and I deserve better.  And so do you and yours.